Our Dual Extraction Method - Spagyrics

"What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean." -Isaac Newton


Our Dual Extraction Methods, Known as 'Spagyrics.'

Why do we focus primarily on an extraction method that brings out the most constituents out of any method? Because we wanted the extraction to match the high standards of growing conditions we use which maximize the beneficial compounds plants produce. If we were only conducting one extraction method, then we would miss a whole array of the plants character, and we would be missing something very important nutritionally.

We then studied the second method of water extraction which would preserve the plants minerals. There is a giant mineral defiecency in our modern diets so preserving these minerals or mineral properties was very important. Since we concentrate a plants consituents. We wanted to make sure we could achieve the broadest spectrum of terpenes, fatty-acids, flavonoids, phytocannabinoids, and chyloyphyll, and minerals, providing a 'truly' balanced product.

A Brief History Of Spagyrics

Alchemy is the technical root of Spagyric remedies pulling from ancient Hermetic, Egyptian and medieval alchemy. Alchemy More specifically, spagyric medicine is the application of alchemical philosophy and techniques to create medicinal plant remedies. The modality was first coined by Paracelsus, the famous Swiss physician of the 16th century, it draws its roots from Alchemy, which is rooted in Ancient Egypt. Alchemy as a science was always more than just the pursuit of turning base metals into gold. It stood for the much broader concepts of refinement, transformation, and turning the mundane into the divine (turning a dead plant into its original . Its application in the field of herbal medicine is what initially inspired Samuel Hahnemann’s early energetic theories(1755 - 1843, was a German physician and scholar who invented the term Homeopathy).1

Spagyric remedies can be referred as a medicine that is gaining popularity in the holistic and natural health communities in the United States and Europe. More popular in Europe, and specifically Germany, spagyric remedies, although similar to homeopathy and herbal medicine in many ways, are a uniquely used for a wide variety of health conditions, from acute disease to chronic conditions.

Spagyric remedies combine the phyto-therapeutic effects of botanical medicine with energetic aspects, which are drawn from homeopathy. The spagyric process itself then potentiates the energetic signature of the plants in much the same way succussion and dilution do in the homeopathic process.

First step is the 'Alcohol Extraction'

Extraction of the plant is conducted with organic alcohol at a low temperature so none of the heat sensitive components of the plant are destroyed. The organic alcohol dissolves the essential oils of the plant along with the alcohol soluble chemicals. Alcohol is the only solvent which extracts the plant's chemicals at the same ratios contained in the plant. Alcohol is also strictly produced from plants themselves. It is a solvent made by plants for plants

Our Next Step is the 'Mineral Extraction'

This step is a lengthy process, where the plants mineral crystals are seperated from the plant matter and filtered out with a water extraction. The water is filtered and slowly evaporated to crystallize the  water soluble minerals.

Final step is the 'Recombination' of both the Alcohol and Mineral Extractions

The minerals are gathered and recombined with the tincture of the plant that was made first. Its important to extract the minerals last as we change the plants chemistry with extreme heat to isolate the minerals. This Dual Extraction process completes the spagyric method. The tincture now contains all the acids, oils and minerals the plant originally possessed, and now concentrated in a more potent and purified form. In this way, the energetics and the chemical aspects of the plant are maintained to its greatest purity. 

A Little Chemistry....

From a chemical standpoint, the minerals neutralize the organic acids of the plant. This converts the acids of the plant to their ester form yielding soap-like compounds. What was once oil soluble, is now water soluble. This form is more bioavailable, making the plant's compounds more potent and effective, recreating the synergy of the plant in its original form. 

Final Use Today

The final remedies are usually liquid preparations which are taken in drop doses. Most of the large-scale spagyric production is currently happening in Germany, the birthplace of Homeopathy. These formulations are designed to support and stimulate the different organs and organ systems of the body. When used to focus on the emunctories or organs of elimination like the liver, kidney and lymphatic systems, these preparations act as drainage remedies that help to flush out and eliminate toxins from the body. Many doctors who understand the Lymphatic system and of this 'drainage philosophy,' believe that most chronic disease is a result of improper elimination of toxic accumulations in the body, and that stimulating the organs of elimination with drainage remedies is a way to eliminate those toxins and bring the body back into balance.2

This is where plant remedies come in. Fruits and vegetables (plants) are not only important for nutrition, but also for detoxing our whole body system, and it is imperative to use living soil, that is biologically balanced, containing more beneficial compounds.


1. Bartlett RA. Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy. 3rd ed. Ibis; 2009.

2. Rozencwajg J. Organotherapy, Drainage and Detoxification. Emryss Publishers; 2010.

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